AGM 2023
Members in attendance: Carol S, April, Donna, Megan, Melissa, Thea, Kate, Amanda, Kristy, Joanne, Carla on zoom.
UVic swimmers via zoom: Megan, Wendy, Kirstin
Call to Order- Donna 6:05pm
Quorum established.
Agenda approved. Add BCAS grant info to agenda. Motion: Carol S. Second: Kate. Approved by all.
AGM 2022 minutes adopted. Motion: Carol S. Second: Joanne. Approved by all.
President’s report by Donna.
Treasurer’s report by Carol S.:
Treasurer’s Report and Motions for Annual General Meeting
October 1, 2023
Fiscal Year 2022/23 Financial Report
VanIsle Masters Artistic Swimming Club (VMAS) is in a good financial position as of July 31, 2023. The
financial statements for the previous fiscal year are attached. The statement of financial position
indicates a year end surplus of $18,033.27, including reserve funds and surplus from previous years. The
income and expense report indicates total income of $22,384.49 against expenditures of $17, 603.56.
The major expenditure is pool fees ($10,997.01).
The Board has approved two reserve funds: An equipment fund to save for a sound system. A team
specific reserve fund to enable the competitive and recreation team to subsidize major expenditures
such as travel or team suits. As of July 31, 2023 the competitive team has a reserve fund of $3248.00 and
the recreation team of $899.35.
AGM Motions
- Accept the Statement of Financial Position and the Income and Expense Report for the fiscal
year ending July 31, 2023 as presented.
Reports are attached. (file names “VMAS_Statement_FinancialPosition22_23(final).pdf”;
Budget 2023/24
The VMAS Board approved the 2023/24 budget including athlete fees on May 17, 2023. The budget and
fee schedule are presented at the AGM for information.
Budget 23/24 is attached. (file name is “VMAS_Budget_23_24_AGM.pdf”). The budget is presented
with two comparators for information. The 22_23 income and expense actuals, and the 23_24 fiscal
year expenses can be seen in columns 2 and 3. The 23_24 proposal is a deficit budget (approx.. $1350)
since the Board has discussed the need to keep fees affordable AND there is a surplus for 22_23. There
are several mitigating factors built in. Our increased membership will need to be maintained or
expanded to meet our revenue targets for fees. We anticipate two teams in the pool rental space for
each practice. Solos and Duets are extra and unbudgeted. Fundraising targets are conservative based on
historical amounts.
At the September 2022 AGM the club members agreed to explore paid coaching. This represents an
increase in expenses from previous years of $7-8000. The City of Nanaimo has restructured pool rental
fees; however, our hourly rate has not changed.
That athlete fees for the 23_24 year (September 1, 2023 thru August 31, 2024) are follows:
- Competitive Athletes $120 per month for 3 hours a week of swimming.
- Recreation Athletes $60 per month for 1.5 hours a week of swimming
- Beginner Athletes $50 per month for 1 hour a week of swimming
Big thank you to Carol S for all of her hard work!
Coach contacts have both been updated and sent in by Catharine and Debbie.
Coach reports moved to end of meeting.
Review of VMAS Policies and Practice
- Carol S went over membership dues and refunds. Fees based on average practice home. Club doesn’t prorate based on a single event.
- Refunds and prorated rates. Club will be making a blanket policy. No adjustment for personal absence, excepting special circumstances. Board approval is required to prepare individual fees.
- Fundraising profits split between teams based on participation.
- Volunteer commitment policy is five hours.
President – Donna
VP – Carol R.
Treasurer – Carol S.
Secretary – Carla
Members at large – Kirsten Stewart (new), April, Charlotte, Megan ND.
Volunteer opportunities:
Fundraiser committee
Gear and merchandise coordinator
Travel coordinator : competitive team- April and Carol S, UVic figures themselves out.
FINA figure update: nothing new for Masters.
UVic- thank you for getting registered in a timely matter.
BCAS grant: VMAS can apply for the AquaGo grant. Ideas for money usage – social media marketing, club banner at pool, ad space at NAC, see it/try it registration costs, streamlining registration.
Megan, from UVic, volunteered to help next year making registration pdfs.
Coaches reports, read by Donna:
Coach Catharine
VanIsle Masters Artistic Swimming Club
Coach Report – AGM 2023
The 2022-23 Artistic Swimming Season was an excellent year!
Competitive Team – Catharine:
- We had 9 swimmers for most of the season this year, which was and is
- We competed in person all season both Tech and Free Routine
- Although the Free Routine was not complete, we competed with what we
had finished and it was a great experience to see where we need to go for
- Overall, the competitive season was very successful
- After much discussion we decided on a competition scheduled for July 2024
in the Netherlands
- The summer training focused on the swimmers who were able to attend
and worked on their skills.
- Goals for 2023-2024
o Changed the Free Routine to a Combo Routine. All 9 swimmers will
compete in the one routine. It also gives us more time to focus on
the Combo without the tech routine.
o Make plans for the international meet and continue to FUNDRAISE
LIKE CRAZY to get there.
Coach Catharine’s wish for this season
o Everyone stays healthy and out of trouble so that we can have 9
swimmers in the water at least 85% of the time.
Coach Debbie
VanIsle Masters AGM Report 2023
Recreation Program
It has been a pleasure coaching the athletes in the recreation program. This year I decided to re-introduce a beginner group on Sundays to begin building a future foundation of athletes for the club. We had 4 athletes and it was a good start. I expect it will grow next season. Our Recreation Intermediate program continues to swim on Wednesdays. Everyone is very enthusiastic and works very hard. I am impressed with everyone’s progress. The Intermediate athletes took up the challenge and did swim at the Mable Moran Competition and did a fabulous job. Not only was it a great learning experience, everyone had fun and came home with a bunch of medals. I would like to thank Tabitha for coaching and finishing the year for me. Also, I would like to say the I like that we have to opportunity to continue to swim during the summer it helps to build skills and keep the athletes stamina up. We will carry this momentum to this next season. I am very proud to be a coach for the Recreation Programs and it is very exciting to see our club expanding.
Respectfully Submitted
Recreation Program Coach
Deborah Provencher
UVic update: 7 swimmers registered
Mable Moran update: pool isn’t regulation depth. Get teams and clubs to write letters to BCAS about the shallow depth
Meeting adjourned. Motion by Carol S. Second by Joanne. Approved by all.