Summer Shenanigans with VanIsle Masters

It’s been a long time coming, but after a lengthy hiatus, viaSport and BCAS have given us the go ahead for an outdoor program. Our Summer season is now taking place at Kin Pool in Bowen Park and we’re having a blast! We’re also happy to announce that we’re finally able to accept new members with Artistic Swimming experience!

Unfortunately, due to limited time and coaching, we’re presently unable accept beginners without experience. That being said, we anxiously await meeting all the new beginners when our season commences this Fall.

For those of you who already have Artistic Swimming experience, we would LOVE to have you join us this Summer. Drop us an email and we’ll get back to you with all the details.

Check out this pic from a few weeks ago (we’re spelling out VI in the water). Hope to see you in the next one!